
Fully Involved Miami (FIM) is a 501(3) c non-profit organization brought together by a group of firefighters and paramedics with the desire to go above and beyond the call of duty by creating & supporting unique community programs that address the real issues facing the people we serve daily. As the mission states, our ultimate goal is to provide an environment that fosters leadership, compassion and partnerships with the intention of educating, involving and enhancing the lives of all members of our communities.


Get Fully Involved

Families and individuals in our community go without accessing life saving information, vital basic training & necessary support and other essentials due to a variety of factors including lack of access, preventable injuries & illness and other reasons. While all of us are susceptible to hard times, children and the elderly are at the most risk.

Would you like to help us make a difference in your community by being FULLY INVOLVED? We need people like you to donate time, energy, and experience in a variety of areas, including administration, education, leadership, and more.

Together, we will be able to help many of these families and individuals by providing vital education and support. Working toward a more involved future with programs in leadership, education, assistance, and more.